Now I'm Officially I'm a Member of ASQ!

This mail was in my mail box this morning, and now i am officially a member of ASQ, it's ok to get involved in quality things and overall with stuff related to Quality in Software Development Industry..
Dear Kowalick,

Thank you for joining ASQ as a FULL member. You will receive your membership card and receipt in the mail shortly.

As an ASQ member, you are part of an organization that is enabling quality to have a strong voice in government, schools, hospitals, factories, businesses, and social responsibility initiatives.

You now have immediate access to your member benefits. Visit ASQ and sign into the member-only area, My ASQ. Here you will find what you need to:

Here is the information you need to start your journey with ! ASQ:
Member Number: 99999999999
Login ID/Email Address:
Password: 8889999000
Membership begin date: 2009-11-23 00:00:00.000
Membership end date: 2009-11-23 00:00:00.000
Order Number: 0000999999000000

If you have questions about your ASQ membership, please contact ASQ Customer Care at or call 800-248-1946(USA and Canada), 001-800-514-1564 (Mexico), or +1-414-272-8575 (International).


James J. Rooney
ASQ Chair - 


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